"To be the most credible voice in power sector policy formulation and regulation."
Partner with the government to attain the national objective of 'power for all' at competitive rates towards a better quality of life, greater economic activity and robust national growth. This mission entails bringing the industry and the government together in:
- Facilitating private investments in the power sector
- Suggest necessary measures to improve the sector's viability and strengthen the entire value chain of the power sector - generation, transmission and distribution
- Suggest appropriate policy, regulatory and other measures to facilitate greater private sector sector participation in the sector
- Take up issues of concerns to stakeholders - investors, developers and users
- Undertake studies to fill the sectoral knowledge gap and help in informed decision making
- Attempt resolution of operational difficulties, generic in nature
- Discuss specific measures relation to:
- Fuel linkages, transportation and railway connectivity constraints at port and mine heads
- Optimizing the country's energy mix
- Strengthening intra and inter-state transmission infrastructure
- Demand side management and energy efficiency
- Financial health of distribution utilities
- Encouraging growth
- Any other generic issue impacting the power secto
In doing so, the Association aspires to become a key platform for debate and discussion so that synergies are achieved in the actions of the Government and the industry.